Who Am I?

I have two jobs that take up most of my time - being a mum and working as a Library Technician. Some of the remainder of my time is taken up with Hartiatech Document Services, my technical writing business. I also like to help organise events and be on committees etc but more of that in my blog!

I do LOVE collaboration with like minded people and hope to do this more. This is where Cloud technology is handy. We all lead busy lives so apps such as Evernote, Skype, Dropbox, Pinterest, Scoopit etc etc come into their own and make my life easier and much more interesting.  More of that in my blog posts also.
When I am not living in those spaces and have the stereo on at home I can be found either reading, researching and absorbing my favourite topics and talking to friends via Facebook usually.

The crux of it are letters - the written word, in whatever shape of form it comes in.  Whether it's typography, technical writing, business writing, expressing ideas (this blog!), reading for pleasure or knowledge, working in a library.   Reading and writing enable self expression.  I want to keep improving my writing and comprehension skills.  I am a firm believer in life-long learning.

Other interests lie in Information Technology, specifically trying out different software (big fan of Open Source), Social Media and Cloud Applications, and invariably how these 'things' can make libraries and my business - relevant to today's society and way into the future.  

I am a member (and committee member of the Library Technicians NSW branch) of:

and a member of: 
Australian Society of Technical Communication

View Connie Ross's profile on LinkedIn

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